New Scan Agent
This workflow details the steps required to add a new scan agent to phpIPAM.
The following assumptions are made for the use of this runbook:
You have the required access to the phpIPAM Administration
The Scan agent to be used is No Fuss Computings Scan Agent
Available fields
This section visually displays the fields and their status, colour coded to their requirements. (green=required, yellow=optional, red=editable however for automation use, don't edit)
A new device is added using the PHP IPAM interface.
After login, within the interface, navigate to
Administration -> Scan agents
Click Create new scan agent
Complete the following fields as a minimum:
The other fields are not mandatory and serve no function of significance.
to save the device -
Configure the Scan Agent scanner component
This page is part of our Project ITIL Runbooks.
Page Metadata
Version: ToDo: place files short git commit hereDate Created: 2024-01-18
Date Edited: 2024-02-26
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ToDo: Add the page list of contributors